Kress Nicolas

Archaeologist · Topographer

Contact me by mail


ABC²4D  · Land Surveyor 

1 Mars 2021 - Today

Feb 2019 - Jul 2020

Nivelles (Belgium)

Land Surveyor in a Land Surveyor Office in Belgium

Avenue de France 11

B-1400 Nivelles

UCLouvain · Scientific collaborator  · AEGIS Research Group

27 mai 2024 - 26 mai 2027

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) 

Scientific Collaborator for the Aegis Research Group at UCLouvain.

Place Cardinal Mercier 53

bte L3.03.01

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve 

UCLouvain · Archaeologist & Topographer  · AEGIS Research Group

1 Sept  2020 - 20 Feb 2024

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) 

Techn(olog)ical support · Topographer · Archaeologist · Photogrammetry by drone · Logistic

for the ARC Project “TALOS” under the supervision of Pr. J. Driessen

• Archaeological Excavations – Organisation · Logistics · Archaeologist · Topographer ·  Drone · Photogrammetry · Database · Teaching · Sissi & Pyla

• Publication – Layouting of the AEGIS  & GRAAL Publication with Indesign

• Web design using GoogleSite – Creation · Maintenance

Place Cardinal Mercier 53

bte L3.03.01

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve 

IATA  · Teacher 

19 Jan 2021 - 24 Feb 2021

Namur (Belgium)

Teacher in Art History & in Art and Structure in Housing

Rue de la Montage 43a

B-5000 Namur

ABC²4D  · Land Surveyor 

25 Feb 2019 - 26 Jul 2020

Nivelles (Belgium)

Land Surveyor in a Land Surveyor Office in Belgium

Avenue de France 11

B-1400 Nivelles

UCLouvain · Scientific collaborator  · AEGIS Research Group

1 Oct 2018 - 1 Oct 2019

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) 

Scientific Collaborator for the Aegis Research Group at UCLouvain.

Place Cardinal Mercier 53

bte L3.03.01

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve 

UCLouvain · Archaeologist & Topographer  · AEGIS Research Group

1 Oct  2013 - 30 Sept 2018

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) 

Techn(olog)ical support · Topographer · Archaeologist · Photogrammetry by drone · Logistic

for the ARC Project “A World in Crisis? under the supervision of Pr. J. Driessen

• Archaeological Excavations – Organisation · Logistics · Archaeologist · Topographer ·  Drone · Photogrammetry · Teaching · Sissi · Pyla

• International Workshop Organisation – Organisation · Logistic · Cameraman · Crisis

• Publication – Layouting of the AEGIS  & GRAAL Publication with Indesign

• Web design using GoogleSite – Creation · Maintenance

Place Blaise Pascal 1

bte L3.03.01

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve 

GRD Consult sprl · Land Surveyor 

1 Nov 2012 - 14 Mars 2016 

Ottignies (Belgium)

Land Surveyor in a Land Surveyor Office in Belgium

• Implantation de bâtiment, contrôle d’aplomb, contrôle d’implantation

• Mesure et calcul de cubature

• Levé d’intérieur et de façades

• Levé topographique et de nivellement

• Polygonale de base

• Formation

24, Rue des Technologies 

B-1340 Ottignies

H&H sa · Land Surveyor 

25 Oct 2010 - 31 Oct 2012 

Luxemburg (Luxemburg)

Land Surveyor in a Land Surveyor Office in Luxemburg

• Implantation de bâtiment, contrôle d’aplomb, contrôle d’implantation

• Mesure et calcul de cubature

• Levé d’intérieur et de façades

• Levé topographique et de nivellement

• Polygonale de base

• Formation

2,  rue de Bascharage 



Bachelor in Land Surveyor · IEPSCF Namur · Distinction

2008 - 2012 

Dissertation:  Le Moulin de la Salette à Hatrival. Promotor : Etienne Crispiels

Teacher Training Certificate (AESS) in History of Art and Archeology · UCLouvain · Distinction

2008 - 2010

Teacher Training Certificate (AESS) in History of Art and Archeology

Master in Archaeology, Art History, and Musicology · UCLouvain · Distinction

2003 - 2008

Dissertation: Les techniques au service de l’archéologie.  Intégration des données de fouille, de la photographie aérienne,  du GPR et de la prospection topographique et de surface dans un SIG.  Promotor: Pr. Jan Driessen

Archaeological Field Experience

Sissi · Sissi Archaeological Project, Belgian Excavation · Crete, Greece

Director: Pr. Jan Driessen (UCLouvain) 

• 2024 · 1 week · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry & Teaching

• 2023 · 2 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry & Teaching 

• 2022 · 3 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry & Logistics 

• 2021 · 2 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone & Photogrammetry

• 2019 · 7 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics & Teaching topography

• 2018 · 7 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics & Teaching topography

• 2017 · 7 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics & Teaching topography

• 2016 · 7 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics & Teaching topography

• 2015 · 7 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry & Logistics 

• 2011 · 1 week · Archaeologist, Topographer on the field & Teaching topography

• 2010 · 6 weeks · Topographer & Archaeologist on the field

• 2009 · 6 weeks · Topographer & Archaeologist on the field   

• 2009 · 2 weeks · Coring for geo-archaeological survey

• 2008 · 6 weeks · Archaeologist on the field, map drawing & database encoding 

• 2008 · 1 week · Coring for geo-archaeological survey

• 2007 · 4 weeks · Student Archaeologist on the field

Pyla · Cyprus-Pyla Excavation Project Louvain (C-PEPL) · Cyprus

Director: Pr. Joachim Bretschneider (UGent), Pr. Jan Driessen (UCLouvain), Dr. Athanasia Kanta (Med. Arch. Society )

• 2023 ·  1 week · Archaeologist, Logistics, Database

• 2021 ·  2 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics

• 2018 ·  4 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics & Teaching topography 

• 2017 ·  4 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics & Teaching topography 

• 2016 ·  4 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Photogrammetry, Drone & Logistics 

• 2015 ·  4 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics & Teaching topography

• 2014 ·  3 weeks ·  Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry, Logistics & Teaching topography 

Marsal · Salt Mining in the Seille River Valley · France

Director: Laurent Olivier (Conservateur du département d'archéologie celtique et gauloise au musée d'Archéologie nationale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye )

• 2017 · 1 week ·  Field Archaeologist

Palaikastro · Palaikastro Excavations (PALAP) · Crete, Greece

Director: Pr. Karl Knappett (UToronto)

• 2015 · Photogrammetry 

• 2014 · 7 weeks · Archaeologist, Topographer, Drone, Photogrammetry  & Teaching topography 

Anavlochos · Excavation in  Anavlochos · Crete, Greece

Director: Dr. Florence Gaignerot-Driessen (Ecole Française d'Athènes)

• 2018 · 2 week · Conservation supervision of Zone 1 

• 2014 · 1 week · Topographer, Photogrammetry   & Drone

Al-Ghat · Saudi-Belgian Al-Ghat Project in Al-Ghat · Saudi-Arabia

Director: Pr. Joachim Bretchneider (KUL) 

• 2014 · 3 weeks · Topographer, Archaeologist & technical support on the field 

• 2012 · 2 weeks · Topographer, Archaeologist & technical support on the field

Grez-Doiceau · Belgian Excavation in Grez Doiceau · Belgium

Director: Olivier Vrielynck (SPW)

• 2005 · 2 weeks · Student archaeologist on the field

Sofware & Language

Topography & Photogrammetry

Autocad · Covadis

Qgis · Agisoft Photoscan · Arcgis


Photoshop · Illustrator · InDesign


French · Dutch · German

English · Luxemburgish 


Filemaker Pro · G Suite

Theodolite & Drone

Leica: TS15 · GPS · 1200 series · 1100 series · 700 series 

Trimble: VX · S8 · S7 · S6

Drone: DJI Mavic 2 · DJI Mavic Pro · DJI Phantom 2


Publication - AEGIS & GRAAL Collection

Responsible for the layout of the following books on InDesign

• 2024 · AEGIS 28 ·  (in progress) 

2024· GRAAL 2 ·  (in progress) 

• 2024 · AEGIS 27 ·  (in progress) 

• 2024 · AEGIS 26 ·  (Published) 

• 2023 · AEGIS 25 ·  (Published) 

• 2023 · AEGIS 24 · Excavations at Pyla-Kokkinokremos (ISBN 978-2-39061-344-2)

• 2022 · AEGIS 23 · Megistos Kouros (ISBN 978-2-39061-250-6 )

• 2022 · AEGIS 22 · Taking the High Road (ISBN 978-2-39061-223-1)

• 2021 · AEGIS 21 · Excavations at Sissi V, Vol I & II (ISBN 978-2-39061-198-1)

• 2021 · AEGIS 20 · Communication Uneven  (ISBN 978-2-39061-087-8 )

• 2020 · AEGIS 19 · Oikos (ISBN 978-2-87558-996-5 )

• 2020 · AEGIS 17 · Ashlar (ISBN 978-2-87558-964-4 )

• 2018 · AEGIS 16 · Technology in Crisis (ISBN 978-2-87558-749-7)

• 2018 · AEGIS 15 · An Archaeology of Forced Migration (ISBN 978-2-87558-734-3 )

• 2018 · AEGIS 14 · Gathered in Death (ISBN 978-2-87558-699-5)

• 2018 · AEGIS 13 · Excavations at Sissi IV (ISBN 978-2-87558-672-8 )

• 2017 · GRAAL 1 · Clashes of Time (ISBN 978-2-87558-625-4)

• 2017 · AEGIS 12 · How long is a Century (ISBN 978-2-87558-625-4)

• 2017 · AEGIS 11 · Crisis to Collapse (ISBN 978-2-87558-526-4)

• 2016 · AEGIS 10 · RA-PI-NE-U (ISBN 978-287558-512-7)

• 2015 · AEGIS 9 · Thrasma (ISBN 978-287558-392-5 )

• 2014 · AEGIS 7 · Cretan Cities (ISBN 978-2-87558-328-4)

• 2012 · AEGIS 6 · Excavations at Sissi III (ISBN 978-287558-106-8)

• 2011 · AEGIS 4 · Excavations at Sissi II (ISBN 978-287558-003-0)

• 2009 · AEGIS 1 · Excavations at Sissi (ISBN 978-287463-164-1)
